Chemical Recycling Europe Concludes 2024 Conference with New Leadership and Vision

Chemical Recycling Europe Forum 2024 Brussels, Wednesday 28 November, 2024 – Chemical Recycling Europe (CRE) has successfully concluded its annual conference, held on Wednesday 27 November 2024, at the BluePoint conference venue in Brussels, Belgium. The event gathered over 120 participants, including industry leaders, policymakers, investors, and key stakeholders from across the value chain, to foster […]
Save the Date: Chemical Recycling Europe Forum in Brussels on November 27, 2024

Meet the people & companies who are driving the industry and discover what needs to happen to drive greater circularity with chemical recycling. Chemical Recycling Europe is excited to announce its upcoming conference scheduled for November 27, 2024, in Brussels, Belgium. This eagerly anticipated event held at the BluePoint conference venue will gather industry leaders, policymakers, value chain […]
Chemical Recycling Europe Forum 2023 CREF2023

Chemical Recycling Europe Forum 2023 held with focus on enabling conditions for the industry The “Chemical Recycling Europe Forum 2023 (CREF2023)”, the annual conference of Chemical Recycling Europe (CRE) who represent the interest of the European chemical recycling industry took place last week on the 21st and 22nd of September in Brussels. Opening the […]
Supply chain letter on the need for mass balance fuel-use exempt for chemical recycling

The undersigned, representing 20 associations in the plastics supply chain, call on EU Member States to urgently adopt mass balance fuel-use exempt as the EU harmonised mass balance method for allocating recycled content via chemical recycling. An early warning report to Member States from June 2023 states that 19 countries are at high risk of […]
Mass-Balance for chemical recycling

The Mass-Balance approach: is a proven chain of custody approach used in many areas bringing innovations to the market such as fair-trade practices in the food industry and the adoption of “green energy” where the Mass-Balance approach enables its flow through the same grid as for fossil energy and the significant development of the industry, […]
Call on EU-harmonised calculating rules for recycled content by means of mass balance

Chemical recycling allows the use of plastic waste, especially feedstock not suitable for mechanical recycling, to produce new chemicals including plastics.
Carlos Monreal, Founder & CEO of Plastic Energy, elected for a new mandate as Chemical Recycling Europe

Yesterday, during the General Assembly of Chemical Recycling Europe (CRE), Mr. Carlos Monreal, Founder & CEO of Plastic Energy, has been reelected as CRE President for the next two years. His intention is to continue the work that has been done this year already within CRE, and to intensify the collaboration amongst members through the […]
CRE Annual Conference: two days of insightful industry perspective and engaging debates

PRESS RELEASE The Chemical Recycling Europe (CRE) annual conference “Chemical Recycling: An Industry for the European Circular Economy” closed last Friday, 14th of October, with close to 200 attendees and engaging presentations and debates over two days. The success of the event demonstrates the interest and importance of chemical recycling to the plastics and packaging […]
Chemical Recycling Europe position on the upcoming Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive proposal

Chemical Recycling Europe (CRE), the association representing the chemical industry at EU level, welcomes the upcoming revision of the EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (PPWD). CRE member companies support mandatory recycled content targets for packaging which will incentivize circularity in the plastics supply chain and lower climate impacts for the packaging industry to become […]
Itero joins Chemical Recycling Europe as a new member

We are delighted to announce this new collaboration but also to see Chemical Recycling Europe’s family growing.Let’s warmly welcome the latest member who joined us, and who will contribute to CLOSE THE RECYCLING LOOP FOR PLASTICS IN THE REGION: Itero Technologies. “Collaboration is essential to tackle sustainability challenges at the scale of the plastics crisis […]